
View the Project on GitHub as3ng/aseng

Welcome to My World!

The name’s Felix. Sometimes you can call me Aseng! Aseng is a person who weirdly puts himself wandering in an Information Security. He loves to dig digital-cases especially those which are related into DFIR, Reverse-Engineering, and also some Exploit Developments. He’s also a CTF Enthusiast, HTB Player and a happy hoomans.

How does he speak?

Currently, Aseng is fluently speaking in these languages ~

#---------- SNAKES ----------#

import base64
//---------- SEA -------------//

int main(){
 ;-------- AS-Semble ---------;
 BITS 64
 section .text
 global main
    mov rdx,len
    mov rsi,warm_welcome
    mov rdi,1
    mov rax,1
 section .data
    warm_welcome: db "Hai!",10
    len equ $-warm_welcome

Ready for some explorations?

Without any further ado, shall we visit my own Museum?